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You've Got Heat e-book by Barfarkel




The Vegas Card Counting Adventures of LV Pro By Barfarkel

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What's it like to play with a real edge over the casinos? What's it like to be a David to the casinos' Goliath? Want to know what it feels like to kill the big, bad casino monster?

Then meet Barfarkel, an advantage blackjack player. Barfarkel began his playing career as a low stakes card counter with a mere $2,000 bankroll. Barfarkel's goal was to win enough money at blackjack to increase his bankroll five times, while simultaneously taking advantage of all the freebies that Vegas offers its valued players.

This e-book will show you how skilled blackjack players beat the casinos; the tricks they use to avoid detection; how they operate in teams; how the underground community of advantage players helps one another pluck the gold tooth from the casino dragon. If you want to be on the inside of advantage play, then take a look inside. It's all in this book!

For more information, please visit this product's web page.

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