This is an add-on component for Smart Craps (you need to buy Smart Craps first). The Script Betting Module let's power users program their own ... more info
Smart Craps is the ultimate software program and tool for advantage craps players. Simulate craps game using SRR (seven to rolls ratio), or use our ... more info
Includes Smart Craps, the Roll Recorder for Windows and Palm OS, and the Script Betting Module in one package! Save 20%! Smart Craps is the ultimate ... more info
The Smart Craps Roll Recorder is the ultimate mathematical software program for recording dice rolls and determining your skill in craps. Find out if ... more info
The Speed Count Bundle is the only thing you need to master Speed Count with our software. There is no easier card counting system, and this bundle ... more info
The Speed Count Bundle is the only thing you need to master Speed Count with our software. There is no easier card counting system, and this bundle ... more info
The Speed Count Bundle is the only thing you need to master Speed Count with our software. There is no easier card counting system, and this bundle ... more info
The Starter Count Bundle includes Blackjack Counter and Blackjack Expert for Palm OS, as well as the complete Speed Count system. It does not include ... more info
The Starter Count Bundle includes Blackjack Counter and Blackjack Expert for Pocket PC, as well as the complete Speed Count system. It does not ... more info
The Starter Count Bundle includes Blackjack Counter and Blackjack Expert, as well as the complete Speed Count system. It does not include the Golden ... more info