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BJI Text Link Newsletter Ad


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Permanent Online Contextual Text Link Ad!

Get a permanent online SEO text link ad at Blackjack Insider for only $125 (US)! You can't beat this deal anywhere online! Here are the details:

  • Your ad is placed in our next available monthly BJI newsletter (e-mail and web), or immediately in an existing online archived prior issue... the choice is yours!
  • We have over 100 back issues available for your ad placement, or choose next month's issue and get your ad online and broadcast by e-mail to our 18,000+ readers! Blackjack Insider has the best new articles on casino gambling, published monthly since 2001.
  • Your ad can contain one link, and up to 25 words of text of your choosing, placed in the newsletter ad area (Click here to view a sample ad placement.)
  • Your ad stays online and accessible forever! No renewal fees! Our readers frequently visit our archives of past issues.
  • Simple payment and processing for your ad: just add this item to your cart, and pay conveniently in our online store at checkout via PayPal, VISA or Mastercard.
  • Provide your text link and ad text with payment, then select above for placement in the next BJI issue (default), or a specific archived issue of your choice.

Where else can you get a high-quality permanent text link ad at a PR3 web site for only $125! Blackjack Insider has been published monthly for over 13 years, providing a reliable and trusted source for your SEO ad clients.

The fine print:

  • All ads are permanent, without any renewal fees. A new purchase is required to delete or edit existing ads after the first 30 days from purchase.
  • All newsletter text links ads are placed in a specific advertiser section at our discretion. Advertisers may specify the ad text. Links and text cannot be added to existing newsletter content outside of the ad area.
  • All ad purchases in this offering must be made through this store. Supply all the ad details (link and text) with your purchase.
  • To purchase more than one ad, simply complete more than one purchase in our store, for each ad placement.
  • Please provide the ad text in the required field above. You can specify up to 25 words of plain text, and surround the text for the link with '*'. For example: This *online casino* is a great place to practice and play!
  • Please provide the fully qualified URL link in the required field above. For example:

Please feel free to e-mail us directly if you have any further questions: info @ bjinsider . com.

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