Eramosa Day Canoe Trip, March 27 2009
You can navigate the map above, zoom in, and there are comments on the way point markers. SummaryThe Eramosa is a great early-season/run-off river for a bit of in-town fun (north of Guelph). At the highest water levels, it can be quite challenging due to narrow width, sweepers, and some technical CI and CII water. After the spring run-off subsides a bit, it's a very pleasant paddle with some fun technical swifts and CI, with a few bump-and-grind shoals along the way. You only have a month or two after the spring melt to run it, before it becomes too low. If the GRCA gauge at Eramosa and Watson Road reads less than about 5 m3/s, then I don't recommend paddling this section at all. If you run this section very early in the season, then bring a good saw to deal with small log jams and low branches. And, be aware that it's a bumpy ride at any time of year, so I don't recommend taking fancy or expensive boats that can't take a bit of bottom wear. Take note that if the GRA Watson Road gauge is reading 15 m3/s or more, then this is a very fast run, requiring quick reflexes: be ready for low-hanging strainers, at least one limbo-maneuver under a low bridge, and a couple technical CI-CII rapids. Trip DetailsDan Greene and I hooked up at our planned end point in Rockwood. We had checked it out the week before at the various bridges along the way, and decided that the much lower water levels would make it easy to run this early in the year, albeit a bit of a bump-and-grind. The Grand River watershed levels already were 1/4 of the high marks from March 12th. Dan Collens (yes, I know too many "Dans") and I had tackled the Everton to Rockwood section in 2008 in peak high flood in early April, and it was quite challenging. You can find the complete trip report of that adventure here: canoe_trip_eramosa_2008_04_06.shtml. So, with the much lower water levels despite the earlier season start, Dan G. and I decided to tackle the same section of the Eramosa. The weather was spectacular for March, a beautiful sunny day hitting highs of 12C.
The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) maintains live water flow information for the full watershed in this region. The nearest water monitoring station is "Eramosa River at Watson Road". The reading was 4.92 m3/s of flow on this trip, and it was around 20 two weeks prior (the high point). When Dan C. and I had run the Eramosa in 2008, it was running around 15 or 20. For live GRCA data, visit here: The first 2 km of this river are just fantastic: wilderness setting, remote, quite, and easy to paddle. Then comes a meandering swampy section just before the pond/camp, which can be tricky to paddle through. Follow the blue arrows painted on the trees, avoiding the left channel. Part way down, we passed a vegation mat on a log. I guess this seemed wierd enough to me for March that I looked a second time, and saw that it was in fact a dead beaver belly up, partly out of the water! Sad to see, but it was clear all along this stretch that the beaver and otter population are doing well, amazing enough for an semi-urban area.
From here to Rockwood, there are lots of fun bends and fast moving water. There's also a number of old walking/snowmobile bridges with center abutments you have to navigate carefully around. At the highest water level, these can be a difficult limbo-job in fast moving current. Generally, take the right side of most of these bridge abutments, if you otherwise are not sure. In Rockwood, you can pull out before the bridge in town, and there's plenty of place to park in the park by the river. Dan and I made better time than we expected, so we shuttled the car at Everton down to Eden Mills and setup to run the remaining section from Rockwood.
While you can paddle under the bridge in Rockwood, there's no where to go (except over the 10m falls, which I don't recommend!) So, we portaged the canoe on the west bank (right side) down "Valley Road", a gravel path beside a hydro station. After 200m or so, we were able to scoot into the bush along the bank and put in just before the fenced entrance to Rockwood Conservation Area. All of this trip had new sections of water one of us hadn't explored yet. For me, I hadn't paddled through this lovely little canyon park. It reminded me of Elora Gorge, just more compact and completely accessible in a canoe. Luckily, the lake was only 1/2 frozen still, so we had no problem paddling across. After the lake, we pulled up and portaged around the dam and carried on the Eramosa River. From here to Eden Mills, there were many more very low shoals with much bump-and-grind bottoming out of the canoe. Good thing I had the beater ABS boat, not my fancy 38lb, 17'6" kevlar Temagami Swift with integrated gunnels! But there was still a lot of fast moving water, and it was modestly challenging to plan the most effective route through the narrow and shallow sections. It was part way down this section in a shallow sandy section that we saw our first fish of the trip. Normally, the Grand River and tributaries are full of carp and bass, providing infinite amusement with kids in the boat. But this early, I guess they don't stay in the open water much. So, seeing something large dart by, we turned and followed. It turned out to be a quite large pike (1'6"), possibly guarding a nest. I had heard that pike were in the Grand River, but had never seen one to date. The pond before the dam in Eden Mills was completely melted, so we had no problems pulling over to the east bank (left side). The week prior, Dan G. and I had paddled from the first bridge south of Eden Mills into Guelph, at the intersection of the Speed River and the Eramosa. This was a pleasant and easy low-water trip. So, we can now say we've paddled the whole navigable section of the Eramosa River! |